Bhí lá iontach ag scoláirí na hidirbhliana agus iad ar thuras chuig Ionad Oidhreachta Átha an Rí. Bhí deis acu a bheith i gcomórtas lena chéile i mbun saighdeoireachta. Ansin, d’fhoghlaim siad fá thionchar na Normannach in Éirinn trí dhrámaíocht is iad gléasta i bhfeistis meánaoise. Neart staire foghlamtha taobh amuigh den tseomra ranga.
Idirbhliain students had a great time when they visited the Athenry Heritage Centre. They had the opportunity of competing with each other in archery and then they dressed in costume learning about the Normans. A history lesson outside the classroom.
Is maith an scéalaí an aimsir