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Gaeil sa Ghearmáin


(English Version follows)

Bhí Gaeil Eachréidh na Gaillimhe imithe thar sáile chun na Gearmáine le deireannas agus iad páirteach i gcuairt mhalartach. Mar a tharlaíonn sé, bhí na Gearmánaigh ag stopadh i gcomharsanacht na Gaillimhe Mí Bealtaine seo chaite agus teaghlaigh an choláiste ag tabhairt aire dóibh. An uair seo, bhí seal ag scoláirí an Eachréidh stopadh le teaghlaigh Gearmánacha agus foghlaim fá shaol na Gearmáine i gceart.

Cinnte, bhí neart spraoi is spórt acu uile thall agus tháinig feabhas nach beag ar a gcuid Gearmáinise mar chuid den chuairt mhalartach le IGS i bPlaidt.

A group of 3rd and 4th year students from Coláiste an Eachréidh took part in the Coláiste’s first ever foreign exchange with a comprehensive school in Germany, in the Rheinland Palatinate state, from the 12th – 19th September this year. They forged new friendships, attended school in Germany, visited the tallest cold water geyser in the world, visited villages along the River Rhein and even managed to spend a day at the popular theme park Phantasialand! 

Spaß beim Sprachenlernen! Eine Schülergruppe von Coláiste an Eachréidh hat im September eine Woche in Deutschland verbracht, im Rahmen eines Austauschprogramms mit der IGS in Plaidt.
Some of the Gaels of Eachréidh na Gaillimhe recently spent a while abroad in Germany as part of an exchange visit. As it happens, the hosting German students were in the Galway district earlier this year in May when a number of the Coláiste families hosted their German guests. This time round, some Coláiste an Eachréidh students had the opportunity to stay with German families and learn directly about German life.
Certainly they had great fun while learning German as they spent a week in Germany this September, as part of a school exchange with the IGS in Plaidt.