Tá sé díreach fógraithe go mbeidh Campa Samhraidh ’22 ar siúl i nGaelscoil Riada, Baile Átha an Rí, Luan – Aoine 10.00 r.n. – 2.00 i.n. 25-29 Iúil.
Ba cheart go mbeidh neart imeachtaí spraoiúla curtha ar fáil don aoisghrúpa 8-13 d’aois: spórt, ealaín, amhránaíocht, drámaíocht, tráth na gceisteanna, turais áitiúla agus go leor eile. Is fiú clárú in am!
Is féidir clárú anseo: https:// forms.office.com/r/wpxhkjz3BU
Nó r-phost: runai@gaelscoilriada.com
It has just been announced that Campa Samhraidh (Irish Language Summer Camp) catering for 8-13 agegroup will be held at Gaelscoil Riada, Athenry, Monday – Friday, 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. 25-29 July. Fun-filled camp with a wide variety of games and activities, ensuring that every child is engaged and active, challenged and stimulated whilst learning Irish.
Sport, art, music, drama, games, quizzes local trips walks and lots more. This camp is run by qualified Irish Primary school teachers and will be through the medium of Irish, All levels of learner welcome. Early booking is advised.
Please register at the following link: https:// forms.office.com/r/wpxhkjz3BU
Or Email: runai@gaelscoilriada.com